Property Details
**Uninspected Property** 2bed, 1bath apartment in Hamagawa, Chatan🌟人気の北谷エリアにある2LDKアパート!"Marusei AptⅡ"
Apartment -
150,000 yen per month *Negotiable
5mins from Kadena gate1 // 10mins from Camp Foster
1 covered parking spot (屋根付駐車場1台)
Air conditioning (エアコン有)
2 bedrooms (寝室2部屋)
1 bathroom (風呂・トイレ別)
Washer & Dryer, Stove/Oven are installed(オーブンコンロ・洗濯機・衣類乾燥機付)※Repair or replacement cost of current installed appliances shall be borne by tenant // 付属の家電が修理や取替になる場合、入居者様にて新しい家電を購入願います
Require security deposit and to apply rental guaranty company / 家賃保証会社加入必須 ※Processing fee required / 家賃保証会社申請料がかかります
**Uninspected property** Call us today for a viewing! / 内見ご希望・ご質問等ありましたらお気軽にお問合せください!